Lord Ganesh was created by the Adi Shakti (Goddess Parvati), the Primordial Power of God Almighty, without the cause of male-female principle. He is the embodiment of innocence, purity, and chastity in creation. Being born out of the Primordial Mother, He is with Her all the times and in Muladhara Chakra in the human being.
Our body has seven Chakras (rings) or nerve points. At the base of our spine is the Muladhara Chakra. It is the starting point for the transfer of energy in our body. This point is the base or foundation point in our body, and is responsible for the energy we feel – enthusiasm, dullness, interest, inertia and so on. Only when this point is activated do we feel enthusiasm; this energy can then be transferred upwards to the other Chakras enabling wisdom, knowledge and learning to take birth within us.
Muladhara chakra is the interface between the material and the spiritual worlds. It is the starting element of non-physical existence (Divine Consciousness). The energy associated with the Muladhara Chakra is the same energy that is associated with Lord Ganesh.
The intellect is of two types: the gross-intellect (worldly knowledge) and the subtle intellect (discerning spirit from matter). We pray to lord Ganesh to awaken the subtle intellect, whereby we become a spiritual personality concieving the Self which transcends the body, mind, intellect and their manifestations.
As per ancient holy texts of Narasimha Puran and Bhavishya Puran, a 4th Waning Moon is a special time to access the energies of Lord Ganesh, known as Sankashti Chaturthi. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on the Fourth day after No moon (sud chauth), in the month of Bhadarvo as per the Gujarati calendar. On this day, clay statues of the lord are made. It is believed that these statues have the ability to absorb your negative karma into the clay medium. After the rituals, when these clay statues are immersed in the water, it is believed that the karma also gets dissolved along with the clay.
The blessings of Lord Ganesh are sought at the start of any activity, be it an auspicious ritual, a journey, new business etc. It is also common to see images of Lord Ganesh at home entrances, work desks etc. This is done to invoke His energies so that wisdom can awaken within us, leading us to well-being and success.
If you plan on getting a Ganesha home, please consider an eco-friendly Ganesha.
Alternatively, you can make one by following this link: https://swachhindia.ndtv.com/diy-how-to-make-eco-friendly-ganesh-idols-at-home-24858/